2012 m. lapkričio 30 d., penktadienis

Psychology of laughter

Laughter is an audible expression or appearance of merriment or amusement or an inward feeling of joy and pleasure. The study of humor and laughter, and its psychological and physiological effects on the human body is called gelotology.

Doctors, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals use humor and laughter to help patients cope or treat a variety of physical, mental, and spiritual issues. In Laughter Therapy a client's laughter triggers are identified such as people in their lives that make them laugh, things from childhood, situations, movies, jokes, comedians, basically anything that makes them laugh. In laughter meditation there are some similarities to traditional meditation. However, it is the laughter that focuses the person to concentrate on the moment. Laughter Yoga is an exercise which incorporates breathing, yoga, stretching techniques along with laughter.

There are several reasons why people laugh. Firstly, many researchers believe that the purpose of laughter is related to making and strengthening human connections. Laughter occurs when people are comfortable with one another, when they feel open and free. And the more laughter there is, the more bonding occurs within the group. Also, controlling the laughter of a group becomes a way of exercising power by controlling the emotional climate of the group. So laughter, like much human behavior, must have evolved to change the behavior of others. Furthermore, other studies have confirmed that theory by proving that people are 30 times more likely to laugh in social settings than when they are alone.

People can get more laughter in their life in different ways following strategies. Firstly, laugh more with friends. Going to a movie or comedy club with friends is a great way to get more laughter in life. Secondly, people should find humor in their life: instead of complaining about life's frustrations, try to laugh from them. Finally, keep smiling! As studies show, the positive effects of smiling occur whether the smile is fake or real, faked laughter also provides the benefits mentioned above.

Laughter has shown to be really good for physical health. It can relax muscles, lower stress hormones, boost immune system, and prevent from heart disease. Also, a study done in 2005 by the University of  Maryland Medical Center showed a link between laughter and healthier blood vessel and blood flow. Furthermore, laughter has also been demonstrated as a preventive adjunct therapy in diabetes care.

All in all, there are many psychological reasons why do people laugh. Laughter has many benefits like removing stress, and calming down. By following various strategies people try to get more laughter in their lives. I think that all people should laugh more, because it is said that laughter is the best medicine.


1 komentaras:

  1. Laughing is the best medicine and if you feel stress, try to get laugh as many as possible. degree in counseling
